After a Chiropractor has determined that there is a subluxation in your spine, the doctor will carry out an adjustment to correct it.
An adjustment is a specifically directed force, either by hand or with a specialized instrument, designed to ‘unlock’ the subluxated vertebra returning normal motion and alignment to the spine and better function to the nervous system.
There are a variety of different methods used in Chiropractic to analyze and adjust the spine. We will choose the most effective technique for each person, taking into consideration the physical build of the patient, their age, their preferences or any other health matters. Additionally, we will make sure the adjustment is as comfortable as possible, using just what is necessary to make the correction, no more and no less.
A question often asked of Chiropractors is, ‘Can you adjust yourself?’ NO, it isn’t possible. An adjustment is a precise force given to a precise joint to restore proper motion. Even your own Chiropractor can not adjust themselves; they need to be adjusted on a regular basis as well. If you stretch or move and hear a ‘pop’ coming from your spine, that is not an adjustment, that is simply a joint moving in any direction but not specifically directed to make a correction. Yes, that may feel “looser” for a short time, but it isn’t addressing the problem.
So the best answer is to do what Chiropractors do, get checked on a regular basis and if needed get adjusted to keep your spine and nerve system working at it’s optimum.